Sunday, September 30, 2007

One Month Old?!

I'm not sure if Price is one month old today or tomorrow since there is no 31st in September. So we'll just say its somewhere in between! It is still so hard to believe that one month ago Price was sill inside me! Here are some ways my life has changed in the past month:

  • I used to sleep between 9-10 hours at night. Now I'm lucky to get 5-6 hours.

  • I have to think about someone other than myself at ALL times.

  • I get excited when I get a really good burp out of Price.

  • Showering/Straightening my hair has become a competitve sport...may the best time win.

  • My life revolves around feeding times.

Even though the transition has been rough, I wouldn't trade the last month for anything. Price is starting to respond to voices when he is talked to. It's so amazing to watch him grow and change. Thank you all for taking this journey with us. OH - anyone have any advice for a very gassy baby? Anything other than Mylicon? Just curious!


Michelle said...

cute post!

Michelle said...

ps - every picture of that little dude is in his boucy chair. Is it safe to say that he loves it?

Anonymous said...

what a darling picture!

Your life is changing now and for the rest of your life! He will always and forever be your little boy.

auntie Jo

PJ King said...

Hey Kristy!

I've been catching up on your posts. I've heard of a "Parent Hacks" blog that you might find interesting.