Monday, September 24, 2007

Road Trip

We took our first road trip with Price this weekend. We had to go to Houston for Lindsay Renfroe's wedding. Price did really well in the car. He slept pretty much the entire way there and back. My mom went with us and kept him in the hotel room while we did the rehearsal, dinner, and wedding. He was a very good boy. I think he enjoyed being in different surroundings for a while. He is still having a hard time drinking out of a bottle. Most of the milk runs out of his mouth instead of going in it. Any suggestions from you mom's out there? Let us know because I hate to see that breast milk go to waste! Anyway, here are some pictures from our big weekend.

Before the rehearsal

The wedding (those are flowers in my hair)

The beautiful bride

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Price! Boyd and Brock are still dying to meet you! You make it into their prayers every night (even if they sometimes forget Mommy)

As far as bottles go might just want to try a different type of bottle or the nipple hole may be too big for him right now. Its tough to lose that liquid gold. Price is adorable! Keep on writing, I love to read all of your updates. We are also happy to hear your brother is doing better! Love Sharon