Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Today we had lots of visitors. First off, Kyle and Marci came to visit us. Marci rearranged all of the stuff on my bookshelves in my living room. We are getting ready to put our house on the market so she made it look presentable. They also brought their dog, Abby to play with Macie. Then Memaw came and watched Price while Lee worked in the yard and I ran an errand. And then Michelle and Kayleigh came to see us and we ate dinner with Molly. It is so fun to see how much Price and Kayleigh have grown. Kayleigh is looking less and less like a little infant and more like a baby. She's adorable. Pricer loves his little girlfriend. Tomorrow we hope to go to a pumpkin patch and take pictures. Hopefully we'll have some fun ones for you. We took more pictures of Price and Kayleigh today...Kayleigh was NOT happy!


Kasey Joy said...

um...may I ask where you are moving? I haven't talked to Em lately, but I know we are both coming in for HC and are hoping to see you and meet lil Price! I'm thinking Friday afternoon before things get busy with HC festivities? Let us know what your schedule looks like!

Jennifer Roush said...

Can i just say that I'm super jealous that I wasn't able to come down and play... totally bummed! You tell Price that he better get ready for all sorts of lovin come Homecoming!
- Aunt Jen