Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Welcome home Daddy!

Today Lee is finally home. Again, I didn't put it in the blog because you just never know what can happen. But Lee has been gone to Kentucky for the last 3 weeks. He left when Price was just a little over a week old. Obviously he is happy to be back and thinks Price has grown so much. He met us in Houston for Lindsay's wedding but had to fly back out the next day. That is part of the reason these last few weeks have been so hard for me. Things just seem a lot easier when you have moral support from someone else being there all the time. Thankfully I have had the help of my wonderful mother and mother-in-law. For the first week they alternated and spent every other night with me. They were also here most days just helping me out and doing things around my house for me. I cannot explain the great relief I feel just knowing Lee is here to help me. I am excited for Price to get to know his daddy better and for things to have some sort of normalcy. So yay for Lee being home!


Anonymous said...

Aww! Yay Im glad hes home! Now the 3 of yall can get some good quality time together =)
See ya in a bit for lunch!

Elaine said...

Wow! I have so much respect for you handling a tiny baby on your own. I can't even imagine!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Daddy! Now YOU can get some sleep---hope to see you on Sunday! I can't wait!
Love you. Oh and Price, auntie jo wants your tummy to feel better.
Love and prayers to you all