Sunday, October 14, 2007

What goes up...

We have noticed recently that with Price starting to smile, he has also started to frown...big time. We could always tell when he was sad before but now he gets that big bottom lip stuck out. It's the saddest, but cutest thing I have ever seen.
Yesterday we went to a wedding. It was beautiful and we had a good time. Price got to put on his "fancy" clothes. A lot of my family got to see Price for the first time. He was passed around A LOT but he did great. He didn't cry at all and it was really hot. I was very impressed. He did end up pooping, peeing, and spitting up on his outfit so we didn't get to take a family picture! He was a very good boy though! Here are his fancy clothes before he messed them all up! (You can barely see but his outfit has his name embroidered on it.)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

you look so cute in your fancy out fit little dude!