Monday, November 12, 2007

Pray for us

We need your prayers once again for my brother, Kyle. He had another CAT scan last week that showed that his lymph nodes have not decreased in size. In fact, a mass in his chest has gotten larger. They also found out that his immune system is barely functioning at all. On Friday they did a PET scan. They will get the results back from that in a week or so. Kyle went into the hospital today so they can monitor him. Tomorrow they will go down his throat and take samples of lymph nodes on his esophagus and in his lung. Hopefully these will give us some answers. They are taking him off his usual blood thinner and putting him on a drip one. They will keep a close eye on him to try to prevent anymore clots from forming like last time. We need your prayers during this time. Thankfully, Kyle does not feel bad at all. Just a little tired. Let's just hope the doctors can figure out what all this is and get it solved! And that Kyle doesn't go insane sitting around the hospital!


Anonymous said...

Kristy, you know we will be praying for Kyle and the family.Do keep us posted. Let me know if you need a Memaw to sit with Price while you go to the hospital. I know a Memaw who would love to help out.
Love, Becky

Anonymous said...

hey Kristy, Plese let Kyle know that we are all thinking about him and that he is in our prayers. Hope all goes well although i know that it will. let us know if you or your family needs anything.

Anonymous said...

First of all i LOVE this pic, it is PRICEless!! And we are definatley thinking about and praying for Kyle. Please keep me posted and let me know if u guys need ANYTHING! love you guys!