Monday, June 14, 2010

Hayes' Dedication

We finally did Hayes' dedication at our church last weekend. We kind of just decided to do it the week before so not everyone could come on such short notice. We still had a great day and Hayes did great. He smiled when Pastor Toby said his name so that got a laugh from the crowd. We are so honored to have this little boy and are certainly going to try to raise him in the ways of the Lord.
Hayes' fan club:
Grandpa and Grandma

Molly and Henry
Our little family. (You can tell that Price has a definite "cheese" smile in all the pictures to come)
Pepaw and Memaw
Nana and her Great grandsons


Michael & Jennifer said...

Love Pastor Toby's expression in the first picture!

~Shelly~ said...

Aw sorry we missed it! Congrats :)

Joyce said...

What a great day for you all! How special with all the grandparents there, too.