Thursday, June 10, 2010

Swimming Lessons

We have been telling Price about swimming lessons for a couple of weeks trying to get him excited about it. Last week the time finally came for him to go. He was in a group with Kayleigh and another little girl from church named Rhian Grace. We decided to drop him off because we knew he would cooperate more if we weren't watching. He got a great report Monday through Wednesday, they even told me he was going underwater and "swimming" by himself. I couldn't wait for Friday to watch what he had learned. (Thursday he did good too but he wasn't feeling well so we ended up leaving a little early with a shivering, purple lipped little boy!) Anyway, on Friday I was so proud of him! He went under the water like a champ and loved the whole experience. Lee, me, the grandma's and Hayes got to watch our little fish do his thing. He was so proud of himself. It was definitely time and money well spent!
Price and Kayleigh ready to go
Price fell in love with his high school helper, Maddie, he talked about her everyday!
Look at him under the water!
He loved ring around the rosy and then dunking the basketball.
Under water again!
His big certificate

1 comment:

~Shelly~ said...

Cute! Where are these lessons at?