Sunday, July 11, 2010

8 Months Old

How can it be that we are only 4 months from Hayes' 1st birthday?

As you can tell from the pictures this little guy is happy almost all the time. He is a sweet little cuddlebug and is starting to get into everything. We love him so much and are so lucky to have him in our family! Here are some things he has learned this month: (We don't know height/weight because we won't go to the dr. until next month.)
  • Teeth: 2
  • Diaper size 3, clothes 6-9 and some 12 month
  • He army crawls to anything he wants.
  • He can sit up by himself after being on his belly. (So we have lowered his crib.)
  • He LOVES to eat and has about 6 bottles a day and 5-6 foods a day.
  • He takes baths in the big tub now, often with Price which he thinks is fun.
  • He sleeps well most nights. He'll sleep from 8:30 or 9 until 6:30 or 7. There are still nights where he will cry for 30 minutes to an hour for no reason though.
  • He takes 2 naps a day ranging from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. (IF we are home for a morning nap.)
  • He grabs everything including Price's toys, Macie and my hair.
  • He still loves his pacifier and sleeps best when it is in.
  • We have seen him wave a couple of times but he won't do it on command.
  • He smiles, laughs and shrieks with joy often but most of the time its because of something Price has done.
  • He is a constant drooler and spitter upper. We go through about 3 outfits a day.
  • Obviously we love him so much and can't believe how fast he is growing!!

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