Friday, July 09, 2010

Solomon's Baptism

Our new sweet nephew, Solomon, was baptised a few weeks ago in Woodville. We made a whirlwind trip to see him and be there for the big event. This was my first time to meet him and he is absolutely adorable! Of course we loved getting to spend time with Dustin, Amanda and Sage too! This was Hayes' first long car ride and he did really well. It was also the first time all 4 of us have had to stay in the same hotel room. It was an interesting night but we all got some sleep and it was kind of fun all being in one room. I forgot my camera so the only pictures I have are ones Lee's Dad sent to me. I'll have to do better next time we see him!
This is both sides of the family, Amanda's on the left and Dustin's on the right
Sweet Family
There was a reception lunch afterwards, we had a good time visiting and Price loved running around and feeding the catfish but boy was it hot!

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