Thursday, October 03, 2013

Price at 6 Years Old

Obviously he was too busy to take serious pictures...

6 sounds so old to me.  I can't believe Price has been 6 for a month now.  It's crazy.  He is so smart and creative and loves to build.  He's a sweet kid who rarely gets in trouble.  He can have quite a smart mouth at times and can always make me laugh.  He's the boy who made me a Mama and I just love him more every single day.  Here are some things he is up to at 6:
  • Height: 42 inches
  • Weight: 34.5 lbs
  • He is still really little for his age but that doesn't seem to bother him at all.
  • He has seamlessly transitioned into full day kindergarten.  He isn't tired when he comes home and he's always in a good mood.  So far recess and PE are his favorites but recently he has told me the he loves science.
  • He can build incredible things with his tinker toys and legos.  He can even work Lego sets that are designed for 8 and 9 year olds.  On more than one occasion I have tried to correct him on something he is building and sure enough, he was right to begin with.  He looks at and follows the directions all by himself.
  • He and Hayes are still the very best of friends and love playing after Price has been gone all day.
  • He still doesn't require a lot of sleeps and is often up once during the night for various reasons.
  • He loves to be outside swinging or running around.  (Unless its too hot, then he complains a lot)
  • He learned how to tie his own shoes right before school started and he does it everyday now.
  • He takes mostly showers instead of baths these days.
  • He will try anything food related.  He likes some things and spits out others but at least he's willing to try.
  • Star Wars and Legos are his 2 most favorite things right now.
  • He still loves the ipad and playing on the computer but just doesn't have much time for them anymore with school.
  • Since he started Kindergarten he has become so much more outgoing.  He isn't afraid to talk to clerks at stores or our neighbors anymore.  He loves to be around people which is SO surprising to me but I love it!
  • He can sound out pretty much any word and knows lots of sight words.  He can read the whole book of "Hop on Pop".
  • He just continues to amaze me with his verbal skills, creativity and how his mind works.  We love this kid so much and are so so happy to be his parents.  I just wish time would slow down a bit!

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