Thursday, October 20, 2005

10 things you may not know about me

1. I am currently reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. (My 1st Oprah book club book)
2. I am terribly afraid of speaking in front of a lot of people.
3. I only set my alarm for odd numbers, currently 7:21. 4. I wish I was about 4 inches taller and had dark brown hair.
5. The only bone I have ever broken is my right hand ring finger. (Thanks to my brother)
6. I have no idea what I really want to do with my life.
7. The thought of growing old makes me more scared than anything else.
8. Everyday I take a break from work and walk the parameter of the church building. (I sometimes run in my work clothes)
9. I am newly addicted to Lost.
10. I like to eat peanut butter with vanilla ice cream.

So there are some things you may not know about me. Hope you enjoyed the list.

Woo-hoo: Kyle is in town today and I get to see him after 2 months. (That's him in the picture)
Boo: It is way too hot for October.


Kasey Joy said...

Does Molly have a blog? If not, why not?

Elaine said...

I meant to tell you that I can only set my alarm in odd numbers too. I tried to do it at straight up 8 the other day and after 5 min of laying in bed I had to fix it so that I could fall asleep!!

Jennifer Roush said...

UMMM I used all my flex points on that fabulous belgium waffle! and it was totally worth it!