Thursday, October 13, 2005

It's hot in here...

Well, yesterday Lee called me at work to tell me that our air conditioner had broken. This is not good news because a new one is VERY expensive. We figured this would happen sooner or later but were kind of hoping it would be later. It was the original unit from when the house was built. The house is almost 30 years old so it's amazing that it lasted this long! Anyway, they could not install the new one until this afternoon. So all yesterday evening and last night we had no air. Luckily it has been nice weather here. Not too hot or cold. So we slept last night with every fan in the house on and all our bedroom windows open. It actually wasn't that bad. I only woke up twice because I was hot. So all in all it was better than I had thought it would be. So today they are putting in a new air conditioning unit for a whopping $3100. Where we will get that money is still unknown but I'm sure it will all work out. The good thing about all this is that our electric bill has been running close to $500 every month. With the new unit it should be dramatically different. Also, we get to have a digital thermostat that can be programmed to be different temperatures at night and in the day. So that's pretty cool. While it's a bummer that we have to spend so much money its good that in the long run we'll end up saving. I guess.

Woo-hoo: I get to leave work at 3 tomorrow.
Boo: I have to go back to work at 10pm to register 300 jr. high kids for hoop-de-doo.


Kasey Joy said...

I love the fact that Glenn has a blog, and he followed the trend of "pros" and "cons"...I love our little click!!! can't wait to see you in 2 weeks, we need to talk more seriously about the details!

Elaine said...

Hey! After I watch GG that my mom taped for me, I'll mail it to you. Just IM me your address sometime ( :

And bummer about the AC!

Anonymous said...

so how was the stinkin hoop de doo? so sad i couldn't be there to be part of it... sigh. i thought about you. love you girl