Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fun times

This weekend was great. Friday night I ate dinner with Lee and Molly before going and looking through Pier One. I LOVE that store. Then Lindsay came in around 10:30 that night. We were both tired so we went to bed shortly after she got to my house. We slept late and then met Molly and Michelle for lunch at Panda Express. I love that place too. After lunch we went looking around Spice. I am proud of myself because i didn't buy anything. Then we and got Cosmo and Dakota so that they could come over and play with Macie. When we got to Molly's apartment Dakota peed on everything. She is like a little pee machine. Anyway, then we went back and the dogs played in the backyard while we all sat back there and hung out. It was fun to just sit on the swing and talk and watch the dogs play. They are very silly. When they were done Macie was so dirty she was more of a brown color than her usual white. Molly and Michelle took their dogs home and we got ready to celebrate Lindsay's 23rd birthday. We went to Cheddar's (duh!). But since there were 7 of us the wait was pretty long. We just sat outside and talked. Lee and Sean went too so it was fun to watch them squirm when we talked about girl things. We had a really good time a dinner then went back to my house to watch Sex and the City. We did a lot more talking than watching. We had our all too familiar "secret time". I am an old married woman so I don't have any fun secrets anymore but some of the others had good ones! It was so much fun, like old times! Sunday morning we all got up and had a HUGE breakfast at Harold Weights (sp?) Then I took some pictures around Baylor for Jen and Glenn. Then the rest of my day was spent doing laundry and house work. Molly and Steven made fantastic Texas Tators for dinner. It was a very fun weekend. I always love it when all my friends are together. Makes me miss college.

Woo-hoo: Tonight is a new Gilmore Girls.
Boo: I lost a disc that had ALL of my college pictures on it. I'm really upset.


Kasey Joy said...

i hope your disc turns up, that is really sad! would love to see you soon, i'll let you know if I'm coming in town, maybe for sing...

Kasey Joy said...

you've been tagged. read my blog to find out what it means!