Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Viva Oatmeal

I have decided I need to broaden my horizons with the things I eat. Step one is training myself to like oatmeal. I have never been a big fan of oatmeal. Not that it tastes particularly bad, its just that texture and the way it looks. When you pick it up with your spoon it looks a little bit like snot. I don't know about you but I have trouble eating anything that looks like that. Then you put it in your mouth and its just mush. Nothing chewy or crunchy, just mush. Needless to say, i have a hard time getting it down. So I've decided to change all that. Today is the second try at oatmeal. I managed to eat about 3/4 or the bowl this time, last time i only got down 1/2. So things are certainly looking up. Its not my favorite but its good for you and it keeps you full so its a good breakfast choice for me. Who knows, by next year I could be listing it as one of my favorite foods. We shall see. I am also going to try to convince myself that I like lettuce. This should be a much harder feat because everytime lettuce touches my mouth it literally makes me gag. I'm not sure how to overcome this. I know its all mental but its really hard to get passed. So if anyone has any suggestions let me know. I would really like to be a salad eater by 2007. We'll just have to see how that goes though. Anyway, that's my story for today.

I would like to give a shout out to Michelle on her 23rd birthday! Happy birthday to you!!

Woo-hoo: to the amazing picture wall i created out of the particle cubicle they gave me.
Boo: To everyone else getting yesterday off when Jen and I had to work.


Elaine said...

oatmeal is gross. good luck with that. do you put any sugar or anything on it? and maybe try to ease your way into lettuce with small piece on your sandwich or hamburger?

Kasey Joy said...

i had to work yesterday too, glories of church work!! and lettuce, hmmm, i really like baby spinache, and its really healthy...just a thought.

RES said...

mmm. oatmeal is good. i didnt read everything you wrote, but you should put cinnamon on your outmeal. i didnt spell cinnamon right i dont think. lettuce is fine, but you arent missing much.