Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Does Anyone Hear Me?

I'm not so sure anyone ever reads this thing anymore. Except those of you who see me on a daily or almost daily basis. So I'll have to think about continuing on. No point in writing if no one is going to read. Anywho...
This weekend was a great one. Friday night we (me, Molly, Michelle, Jen, and Anne) went to Sing. It was fantastic. Shout out to all the Kappa ladies that did such an amazing job. There really were a lot of good acts this year and only one that was painful to watch! I might have to say that ATO was my favorite though. Their rendition of Sesame Street was so fun and bright. I loved it!! After Sing we went back to my house and crashed. Saturday was Macie's first birthday party. She will be 1 on March 1st. We had all her friends over and had a special doggy safe cake for them all. They loved it. Dakota ate her two pieces in one bite. We had 6 dogs there all at once. It was a site to see but we had so much fun. All the dogs got to take home their one "doggy bag" filled with yummy dog treats. There was also human cake and punch. Macie got lots of fun toys and enough bones that she will be eating on them for the next year! It sounds like a stupid idea but we had a blast!! We went to La Fiesta for some good Mexican food after the party. Sunday we laid pretty low. I went to my parents house and washed my car and took Macie for a walk. Then I got to take a nap, I cannot remember the last time I got to do that! It was a very fun weekend. I actually could have used a few days to recover from the late nights!

Woo-hoo: The Olympics are over and my shows are back on!!
Boo: My shoes are already hurting my feet today!


Anonymous said...

I read it!

Kasey Joy said...

I too read your blog. It's the only way I keep up with the goings on in your life! May you have no doubt that I look forward to a new post!

And, yes, I was cracking up at your doggie party, but it does sound like you had a fantabulous time!

Yay for Kappa in SING!!

Miss you! Hope all is well!

Elaine said...

I read!! Don't stop!!

I wish Latte could have come to Macie's party and I wish Latte had her friends in town for her birthday last weekend (hers was Sunday). I'm also jealous that you got to go to Sing...I miss it!!