Thursday, February 02, 2006

My day so far

So far today I have had a very uneventful day. I woke up later than usual. Got to work a little later than usual, and have been sitting at my desk ever since. I have googled, facebooked, yahooed, read all the news on msnbc, looked through, postsecret, looked a tons of old pictures that I have on the internet, basically I have been very productive. Today is my duty day but I have a volunteer so I don't even have to answer the phone. Earlier one of my co-workers did come to me and tell me that her boss wanted fresh coffee made. I thought this was ridiculous because there was already coffee that was still hot. Never the less, I got up and made the coffee. I hate coffee, I hate the smell and the taste. Every time I make it for work it gets on my hands and I smell like it for the rest of the day. I do not like that. I have been trying to come up with ways to make a lot of money so I don't have to work an office job anymore. So far I got nothing. I could write a book in hopes that one day Oprah would name it one of her book club books, but I really don't have anything to write about. I could rob a bank but there are various problems with that, including my fear of weapons in general. I could sell things on eBay but then I'd have to have something other people actually want to buy. So pretty much I have decided I am stuck at the desk job. If anyone has any suggestions just let me know. Also if you have any website or fun things that would pass my time faster let me know. I'm always up for new things. Well, I just got a call from someone asking me to go to the other building and throw something away. So here goes, the highlight of my day.

Woo-hoo: Keith Urban concert tomorrow night, why the heck is he coming to Waco?
Boo: Going to a funeral tomorrow. Never fun.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Here's a fun website: You go on and create an account. Its basically a word-of-mouth advertising thing. You can sign up for campaigns and they send you products and then you report back on what people think. It can be a good time killer because you do all these things to get points and then you can trade them in for some pretty cool stuff. I did this all the time when I worked last semester and got bored! Hope it helps....