Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Happy 4th of July to everyone! Lee and I have traveled from Boulder to Frisco, Colorado for this occasion. My sister-in-law's parents have a house up here and its absolutely fabulous. We are here with Kyle and Marci, my parents and Marci's parents. The house is beautiful and the scenery is amazing. We go on long walks and sit outside and look at the mountains. It' everything I thought living in Colorado would be in the summer. Last night we were all out walking the dogs and as I looked up the road a saw a huge black dog running across the street into the woods. Everyone else started to see it too. We quickly realized that it was not a dog at all...it was a black bear! The Fatheree's have owned some form of property up here since 1991 and have never seen one! I was so excited. I picked up Macie really fast though. I would hate for her to be a casualty of the Colorado wilderness. The bear ran away, no harm done. It was amazing though! Today we went to the main street in town and watched the parade. It was a lot of fun and i got a little sun burnt. It's pretty warm here during the day but gets down into the 40's at night. We are really enjoying it all. I will try to post pictures later. We're trying to take a lot. I hope you all have a wonderful 4th!

Woo-hoo: Outlet shopping tomorrow!
Boo: Everything is so pretty there is nothing to boo about.

1 comment:

Joni said...

Aww, I'm glad you're having such a good time! I've never been to Colorado, so I can't even imagine the beauty you're seeing! Make sure to take lots of pics! I miss you around here - I don't have anybody to eat lunch with today! Please don't fall off any roofs OR get eaten by any bears!!! (Good call on grabbing Macie fast. Better safe than sorry!) Come home soon!