Tuesday, May 22, 2007

So much to say!

Today it became official. We are no longer the owners of Inflatables of Texas. Lee sold the company today to a local family. It has been up for sale for about a year now with a few bites here and there. We were actaully really close to selling it several times before this but it always fell through. This time everything worked out and the deal is done. We got an amout that Lee is happy with and now he doesn't have all the stress and financial responsibility that he used to. I know this is a huge weight off his shoulders. This is supposed to be a very active hurricane season so it will be nice for him to be able to go to the storm without having the company to worry about. So for now he will sit around and hope that there is some sort of storm. I'm sure he will also do plenty of golfing to pass the time. I am going to quit my job at the end of the month so we will both be unemployed!! It's a little scary but I know that God will have good things in store for both us and Price.

Speaking of Price...we went to the doctor today for our official sonogram. She let us know that we are having a boy. This is funny since we secretly found out about 6 weeks ago! We just pretended to be surprised. She said he looks great and everything is exactly on track. It is always great to see him and to be reminded that there really is a little person in there. I go back in a month to have my glucose test. Yuck!

This weekend my good friends Jen and Michelle came in to town to see Molly and me. We had such a good time hanging out and just being together. Michelle is only 5 weeks ahead of me with her pregnancy so we had a good time comparing stories and symptoms. We did some shopping and went to the Baylor baseball game. It was just so good to be with my best friends in the whole entire world. Michelle and I took some fun pictures with our pregnant bellies. It was such a fun weekend. I love my friends!

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